Halloween is near and monsters are coming out from their hiding place to party.
Everyone knows that this is the time when monsters go out in the night and this is why you should not left your house or you might see them on the street partying.
For sure, that would be a scary situation since monsters are great for scaring people. However, when it comes to fashion sense, gone are those old monster that you see on TV as monster nowadays also knows fashion.
Take for instance this girl vampire and she would want to party. Help the monster in this dress up game to be fashionable in time for the night of the monsters. Welcome to the world of Monster High.
• You can change her hairstyle, so that she would look great at their party.
• You can also help her to change outfit. Perhaps, outfit, which would look good on her even if, she is a monster, she still want to stand out from the rest. Outfit includes shoes that would match her dress. Not all monsters are alike.
• If you think that it is all to it when it comes to fashion sense, then that is where you are wrong. She would also need accessories that would fit her outfit.